Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Use Google Tasks to Help with IEP Accommodations


Not too long ago, I wrote a blog post about how to organize your IEP accommodations documents for easy access. Organizing your IEP documents is one thing, but with our hectic schedules, remembering to consider many of the nuances and unique accommodations in lesson design is another thing. 

With my hectic schedule, Google Tasks makes remembering these things much easier. Tasks helps me schedule reminders for common, frequent accommodations such as sending extra reminder emails, creating reduced alternate assignments, providing extra time for assignments, contacting case managers, and much more. 

If you're not careful, your Google Tasks list can get long and convoluted. What I like to do is create a new, secondary list for IEP accommodations. Start by opening Google Tasks on the side panel in Gmail. Click "Your Name's list" and select Create new list in the menu that appears.

Title your list.

Add your task(s) and set time/date reminders. On the days I know I will be lesson planning, I always set reminders for IEP accommodations.

Some reminders are set for certain days and others are each day during the week. 

If you don't want to have to always toggle between lists on Google Tasks, turn on Tasks in Calendar and your tasks will appear in your Calendar. I like to use the Schedule view. 

During the pandemic and in distance learning, accommodating students on IEPs is much more difficult. Anything we can do to streamline this process is definitely welcomed. How will you use Google Tasks to enhance your ability to accommodate students on IEPs. 

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