Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Translate Subtitles in Real Time with Google Meet


At the end of 2020, Google announced the ability for Google Meet to translate subtitles into languages other than English. This has huge implications for remote learning. English learners can now see the teacher's words in their home language. Parents who struggled to help their children during video calls due to lack of English skills, can now translate the subtitles and Meet options live. For teachers who cannot speak a language other than English, Meet can be used to conduct a lesson with the translated subtitles. This lesson can be recorded with Screencastify or other screencasting tools to create a video that has the subtitles in it. 

Shoutout to Eric Curts for alerting me to this update.

Get started by creating or joining a Google Meet call. Right click on the screen and click Translate to English. 

At the top, to the right of the Chrome Omnibox (address bar), a small menu will appear. This menu will show you the language currently being used. To change it, click the three dots.

Select Choose Another Language from the dropdown menu.

There will be a long list of languages from which to choose. 

Select your desired language and click Translate.

Immediately, you'll see the controls, buttons and details of Google Meet appear in that language.

Click Turn on subtitles, second button from the right at the bottom to begin translating your spoken word.

Almost instantly you'll see your words in English translated into subtitles of another language. 

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