Monday, August 10, 2020

Resources Topic in Google Classroom Classwork Tab


A best practice, especially during distance learning, is to have a Resources Topic in the Google Classroom Classwork Tab. Think of this as a bulletin board for your Google Classroom. You will want to keep this Topic pinned to the top as it will house resources, etc. students will access often and you'll want them to be able to find them easily. 

The first step is to go into the Classwork Tab of Google Classroom and click Create. Select Topic and title it Resources. As you add more Topics each week, the most recently created Topic gets pinned to the top. You are able to drag and drop Topics. Be sure to drag the Resources Topic back to the top each time. 

Zoom Norms, a syllabus and Class Zoom link are examples of things you will want to house in your pinned Resources Topic.

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