Thursday, December 3, 2020

Save Time with Google Classroom Grading Tool Filter

A common issue we face in distance learning is students not turning in assignments. I really wish there was a magic bullet that could solve this issue. If one ever appears, I'll be sure to write a blog about it. This blog, though, is about the assignments that do get turned in. 

One of my favorite aspects of Google Classroom is the Grading Tool. It allows you to quickly access student work, evaluate it and leave feedback. One annoying part of the tool is having to sift through the student work that wasn't completed while trying to grade the ones that are finished. To easily focus on the work that is finished, click the little arrow next to the Turned in button.

After clicking the arrow, just below, you'll see options to Sort by. Click Status. 

Clicking Status will put all of the student submissions that have been Turned in first in line. This will allow you to go through all the Turned in submissions in order without having to skip through the ones that are still Missing. 

In addition to filtering by Status, you can also filter by students' first names and last names. Though a small, simple feature of Google Classroom, changing the filter in the Grading Tool can be a time saver. Anything we can do to save time this time of year is useful.

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