Thursday, September 17, 2020

Extract Pages on a PDF with Print in Google Chrome

Sometimes you come across a PDF file that has much more than what you need. All you need is just a few pages. You don't want to overwhelm students with superfluous content. Extracting selected pages from a PDF,  in this situation, is the way to go.

Not too long ago, I published a blog post about using the ILovePDF website to extract selected pages from a PDF. A few days after posting, I received some feedback about another, easier way to accomplish the same task. It was brought to my attention, by a reader of my blog, that you can do the same thing using the Print function within Google Chrome.  I am extremely grateful for this reader's feedback as they opened my eyes to a tool I know how to use, but never thought to use it in this manner. This here is the beauty of having a PLN. Take a look at the screenshots below to see how to use Google Chrome Print to extract pages of a PDF.

Step 1: Open a PDF file in Google Drive. I recommend right clicking on the file and selecting Preview. In the Preview, at the bottom, you can see how many pages the file contains.

Step 2: In the Preview, in the top right corner, click the Print icon.

Step 3: After clicking the icon in Step 2, it will open the file in another tab. In the new tab, click the Print icon, again, in the top right corner.
Step 4: Clicking the icon in Step 3 will open a print panel on the right side. In the panel, click the box titled Pages.

Step 5: Change it from All to Custom.

Step 6: When you change to Custom, below, you can enter the page range or set of individual pages you want to extract from the PDF.
Step 7: Click Save after entering your pages or page range.

Step 8: After clicking Save in Step 7, a dialogue box will appear on your computer. This is where you name the file and location to be saved. What you see below is what it looks like on a Mac. It will look a little different on a PC or Chromebook. Regardless of your device and what it looks like, it will function the same way. Simply title it and select Save location.

Once saved to your computer, you can open it on your computer and or upload to Google Drive.

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